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How To Write A Blog Post

Blogging is the most used form of content for the B2B marketer and yet, for some reason, we haven’t covered it on the podcast. Until now.

Joining Charles to discuss the differences between copy, blogs and articles is Gareth Hancock.

Gareth started writing professionally in 2011 and after 3 years of freelancing opened up his one man content agency, That.Content.Shed.

Write What You Know

The best thing you can possibly write about is what you know about. Just because someone else has written about it recently shouldn’t put you off either. Your audience hasn’t heard your side of the story. They may not have even read the other company’s blog. By writing about what you know and in your own voice, your audience will learn more about you and that trust will build.

Blog, Blog, Blog

The biggest thing to remember with blogging is that you should do it regularly and don’t expect it to make you money. Blogging is all about creating a relationship with your intended audience. By regularly publishing content your audience is reminded of your presence which creates a bond of trust between you.


Inside this episode you will find out:

  • The different blog writing styles
  • How many blogs are out there on the internet
  • Setting your blog apart from the rest
  • The amount of B2B marketers who already blog