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Powered by   SiriusDecisions

November is Lead Generation month here on Tech Demand Weekly! and we are excited to have SiriusDecisions on board as a sponsor for the month.

In last week’s episode with Terry Flaherty from SiriusDecisions, Charles posed the question what is the definition of a lead? So to continue our month on Lead Generation, marketing leader Chris Boorman joins us to discuss the practical side of dealing with leads on an everyday basis.

Chris Boorman is the Vice President of Marketing at CA Technologies. Previously, Chris was the CMO for Automic and was honoured by SiriusDecisions with a ROI Award for his Sales Performance Alignment Funnel.

While Terry Flaherty looked at the theory behind the definition of a lead, Chris is able to provide details of how that theory is put in place by B2B marketers and explains how it maybe isn’t the case that a universal defintion for a lead doesn’t exist but more the way that the definition of a lead is interpreted in many different ways.

In this week’s episode:

01:08 How Chris defines the term ‘lead’

03:30 How Chris’s own definition differs to that of his employers

06:30 The way Chris measures success

09:01 With Chris’s priority being to win business, how much does he rely on the theory side of lead definitions?

13:49 Chris expands on the award he won from SiriusDecisions for his Sales Performance Allignment Funnel whilst working for Automic

23:41 The way Chris’s current employer, CA Technologies address selling to the modern enterprise

31:29 What happens once a lead is sourced?

35:58 Chris discusses the challenges of a continually evolving landscape within sales and marketing

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