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Sharen Murnaghan headshot

November is Lead Generation month here on Tech Demand Weekly! and we are excited to have SiriusDecisions on board as a sponsor for the month.

Previously in this mini-series about the definition of a lead Terry Flaherty of SiriusDecisions, Chris Boorman of CA Technologies and Pamela Guyton-Micheles of Avalara have all given their view on how they define a lead. This week it is the turn of the Sales team.

Sharen Murnaghan is the Senior Key Account Manager at Hubspot, has over 20 years experience in sales and was the first female salesperson to make over $1 million ARR.

In this week’s podcast, Sharen offers her opinion on the definition of a lead and gives her insight into whether the theory is even thought about by the people whose job it is to turn the leads they are given into sales.

Inside this week’s episode:

01:08 Sharen’s personal defintion of a lead.

02:37 How Sharen’s defintion differs from that of her employer, Hubspot.

08:23 How Sharen measures success.

10:12 Does Sharen rely on the theory of lead generation in her day to day working life?

23:32 Sharen gives her view on the relationship between the marketing and sales teams.

30:55 Sharen has mentioned in the past how marketing is a cost centre and not seen as a growth like sales is viewed. Is this where the issue arises for her?

34:54 Sharen shares her view on some of the major changes and challenges of the evolving sales landscape.

39:09 With the increase of new tech tools how does Sharen believe you balance out the use of technology with the driven sales person.

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